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Thank you for joining with us in prayer

In this moment, most of these prayers are related to the current changes around and impacts of COVID-19. In general, we ask that you pray that fear, stress, and anxiety would decrease and that the felt presence and comfort of God would increase in our community. And in specific, please pray for:

God we pray:

  • for those already dealing with significant anxiety and mental health issues
  • for those who struggle with isolation because of limited access to technology
  • for the safety of everyone in our community
  • that those who are high risk and need to self isolate would find the peace they need to sustain the solitude
  • for those whose primary locations/sources of community have been closed
  • for those unable to attend the AA meetings that they count on to support their sobriety
  • for a young couple devastated by the death of a close friend during already heightened stress
  • that those who need food and support would find their way to our corner in Lowertown
  • for the health of our staff, so we are able to keep Capital City Mission open
  • that we may be able to demonstrate the grace, mercy, and the love of God

God we thank you:

  • for our location: the ability to serve canteen style while our indoor space remains closed
  • for the ability to stay connected
  • for the cooperation of our community as we learn to do things differently
  • and for God’s presence in the midst of it all


* Prayer requests updated Friday, May 29th

To learn more about our COVID-19 changes visit our latest blog